Item song ata pata | ఐటెంసాంగ్‌లో ఆటాపాటా ...!

Aitem songs top heroines such as bobbing in the audience to do more. The song is an added attraction for the film. Many images in the busy south milki  Tamanna aitem songss entertains audiences.
Son-in movies in the past, Shri spidunnodu  Tamanna special songs. Another aitengitanni up doing this pageant. Hecdikumarasvami son of former Chief Minister of Karnataka nikhilkumar Jaguar's debut film. A. Mahadev director. Tamanna pratyekagitanni going to do this movie. The director said that this song Tamanna glamor appealing. Nirvahincabotunnamani this Chitra audio event on April 18 in Hyderabad, Dussehra gift planning to release the film, producer, said in October.

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