Hyderabad, Telangana Namaste: Group -2 notification for the recruitment of 1,036 placements taken urgent steps to release the notification prepared by the Public Service Commission of the state of Telangana. The Chief Minister K. candrasekharravuku tiespiessi camp office on Wednesday, met with the chairman of the youngest Ghanta said about the replacement process. Sienku youngest boarding schools would be issued for the posts of teacher, he said. The rest of the job for awhile, the statement would be added during the relevant details. Regulations, guidelines suggest that on this occasion as the chief information was needed to replace jobs.
The selection process is transparent to the operating tiespiessini congratulated Chief KCR said. Meanwhile the Commission to complete the selection process, they began to correspond to provincial authorities. -2 439 spaces to a notification issued by the group last year received 5,64,431 applications for various reasons, had adjourned the examination. In this context, to assess the position and adding new posts and forced the government to give a supplementary notification. Tiespiessi given permission to post the notification on the release of 597 ceyabotununnadi subsidiary.
The supplementary notification is expected in another two lakh thirty thousand new applications. Overall, the number of candidates supposed to be seven-thirty million. November 12 this year, the 13 th tiespiessi already basically ready to perform the test showed. Old, new candidates to perform the test in conjunction with the district collector, they are negotiating tiespiessi. In April, is intended to prepare sentarlatopatu more centers in addition to the information sought.