Mega Hero Varun Tej’s upcoming film Kanche Audio launch will be held at Hyderabad and makers are planning it in a grand scale. We heard that Mega Powerstar Ram Charan Tej will be gracing this event. Kanche is a periodic film with Second World War backdrop. Chirantan Bhatt is being scoring music for this film. Recently released theatrical trailer of this movie gets immense response. This film is being produced on First Frame Entertainments banner by Rajeev Reddy and Jagarlamudi Sai Baba. Krish is the director for this flick.
Ram Charan to Grace Kanche Audio Launch
Mega Hero Varun Tej’s upcoming film Kanche Audio launch will be held at Hyderabad and makers are planning it in a grand scale. We heard that Mega Powerstar Ram Charan Tej will be gracing this event. Kanche is a periodic film with Second World War backdrop. Chirantan Bhatt is being scoring music for this film. Recently released theatrical trailer of this movie gets immense response. This film is being produced on First Frame Entertainments banner by Rajeev Reddy and Jagarlamudi Sai Baba. Krish is the director for this flick.