That has to do with the three hero movies

South milky beauty Tamanna says to continue efforts to find work in Bollywood. Hindi movies, according to am. Ka Chand cehrato Roshan launched a career in the Hindi film Tamanna in Telugu and Tamil languages ​​recognized as one of agrakathanayikallo. Almost eight years after the re-entry of Bollywood film Himmatwala she hamsakals, entertainment films, starred in the lead role. Bollywood hopes this film Tamanna brek  .

Bollywood films, mostly in the southern looking while she is away. All most not looking  she heard the news of this decision was made. Tamanna but firmly condemns. for films in Hindi, the gap was Story, except as Bollywood, said that he could get away. Tamanna has changed my perspective in the selection of stories from the past. Commercial films, the story of a mass entertainer .. It's my role to ensure that priority. As a result, many opportunities refuse to Hindi. Bollywood ranavirsing, varundhavan, Siddharth acting. Characters, demonstrating the versatility they impressed me greatly. The three films that get a chance to do in the future is that the hero
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