Chiru New Movie Title Khaidi no 150...!

 Chiranjeevi and his audience of about 150 fans anxiously await the appearance of the film's title. Many titles in the past few months have been promoted in the media. Prisoner number 150 in the title of the film was recently announced that Ram Charan has been finalized. Konidela Productions under the direction of VV Vinayak Ram Charan is producing this film under the banner of the company. Chiranjeevi today to mark the birthday phastluk motion poster released by sosalmidiya about Ram Charan. Fifty percent finished filming, fans were entertained Chitra team has created a whole new vein director VV Vinayak picture. In addition to the commercial elements inherent in the unified message citramidani well, Chiranjeevi said aviskaristundani the most powerful role. The film is being based on Tamil film knife. Sangitannandistunnaru devisriprasad Kajal Agarwal playing the lead role in this film.
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